On tap on Wednesday, January 14: Irish Red on Nitro … our tribute to all those Irish Redheads in your life … A garnet hue, light caramel sweetness, and subtle hop bitterness; this Irish Red on Nitro is extremely smooth and drinkable. 5.5% ABV. Hurry on in and grab your pint before it’s gone!
Old Ox Brewery is open Wednesdays from 4:00 to 9:00 p.m. What’s special about Wednesdays?
Each Wednesday, we will feature a new beer. Here’s an idea what’s brewing; Nitro Red Ale, Nitro Scotch ale, Coconut Vanilla Porter (remember Black Friday?), Mexican Hot Chocolate and collaboration beers brewed with home brewers from the community.
Cornhole League–toss your hat into the ring and have some fun competing with friends and neighbors. Register at Reclyfe.
Big Frank’s BBQ will be on hand to provide the food.